Students'Unions at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Faculty of Dentistry(ACTA) Faculty of Sciences
Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Law
Become a member and order your textbooks at your Student Union.
Read everything about Students' Unions, and choose the Student Union from your Faculty to order your textbooks.
What is a Dutch Students’ Union? Every Faculty at the Vrije Universiteit has its own Students’ Union. They organize a series of activities for members as fieldtrips, lectures, sports events etc. for students of the Faculty. They also sell books with a discount and give a lowest price guarantee. That’s a good reason to become a member! Maximum Discount Two prices are listed with each book, the first is the price you pay without membership, the second is for members of study associations. As a member, you are entitled to this maximum discount. Therefore, join the study association of your faculty.
How high is the Students’ Unions discount? 5 % discount Books written in Dutch have a legally fixed price. These books cost the same in every (online) bookstore. By law textbooks may be sold at a discount of 5% on textbooks in the Dutch language when a student buys two different textbooks at the same time.
10 % discount When you order your textbooks before the lectures start, you will get a 10% discount on textbooks in the Dutch language as a member of a Students’ Union.
Highest discount As a member of a Students’ Union you receive the highest discount on all textbooks written in English from non-Dutch publishers.
Second-hand books All Students’ Unions sell second-hand books to members. You can also sell your textbooks iva the Student Union. Another good reason to become a member.
I want to join now, what do I do? You can join online, when you order your books. Go to the site of the Students’ Union of your Faculty and order your textbooks there. |